Saturday, October 15, 2005

Volunteers required for SOS Children's village in Lahore

From Lahore Metblogs:

Just a short info - I was working the whole day until now to help SOS with their big Earthquake Emergency Relief Programme - they are officially responsible for all children and unaccompanied woman that suffered from the earthquake ands started to prepare to take hundreds of people (maybe later also thousands). Thanks for the volunteer contact - I wrote him - I am also responsible right now to co-ordinate volunteers - so if you have more interested people please tell me (they should send short info about them, work experience and most important availability (from when and how long)). I will most probably stay here in Lahore the next week (and help co-ordinating from here)

If you are interested, please drop an email with required information to andreas.matt(at)

Asia Quake Update - IR

Latest update from Islamic Relief.

Points of note: Muzaffarabad has suffered complete infrastructural damage; Neelum Valley cut off; most IR-sponsored orphans unaccounted for.

Bad weather is hampering the aid effort and as winter approaches weather conditions will deteriorate.

Thunderstorms and rain are expected over the next few days, followed by a wave of cold weather.



The fate of many of the 174 orphans that Islamic Relief supports in the areas affected by the quake is unclear.

In Bagh, 5 orphans are unaccounted for, while in Muzaffarabad, there are 45 orphans that IR staff have not been able to contact.

Of the 38 orphans in the badly-hit region of eastern Manshera, IR staff have only managed to contact two children.

In the town of Balakot, in the North Western Frontier Province, only two out of 32 IR-supported orphans are accounted for.

Of the orphans that are safe, most lost their homes.


The city of Muzaffarabad lies in ruins. Roads, buildings, hospitals, schools and houses have been destroyed and power lines are down. There is no infrastructure left in the city. Nearly all of Muzaffarabad city's 72,000 residents are homeless.

Around 1 million people live in the district of Muzaffarabad and 35,000 deaths have been reported so far.

Aid is being distributed in Muzaffarabad, and IR staff are trying to reach people in villages around the city.

Neelum Valley

The roads to Neelum Valley are not yet open, and the whole area remains cut off from the outside world. The road between Muzaffarabad and Kuttan is damaged in 15 places and officials say it take several months before it is opened to traffic.

Around 500 deaths have been reported in Neelum Valley and around 80 percent of the people there are homeless. Food, fuel and medicines will run out soon.

Barian and Chalayana, two villages in the Neelum Valley home to about 7,000 people, have been completely destroyed.


The death toll in Bagh is estimated at 15,000 and 90 percent of the houses in the district have either been completely destroyed or are uninhabitable.

IR staff are distributing aid in the city of Bagh, and towns and villages in the district.

READ foundation lose 140 schools, many teachers and pupils dead

140 schools belonging to the READ foundation, a pakistan-based educational charity, were destroyed in the earthquake. READ have now offered to help IR distribute aid.

The Lost Children

Nisar Ahmed stares at me from across the table with a look of desperation and confusion.

The fundraising manager for the Pakistan based READ foundation has just come to the realisation that all of their 140 schools in the region have been destroyed and that casualties amongst pupils and teachers are high.


It took the charity 11 years to build up a network of 323 schools all over Pakistan and in less that a minute on Saturday morning most of those in Pakistan-administered Kashmir were reduced to rubble.

It has become more and more apparent as each day passes that children are the main victims of this terrible disaster.

"We had 1,100 teachers and 120 are confirmed dead but this number will definitely increase. There were about 22,500 children in our schools and 1600 are confirmed dead, again this is sure to increase as we have not yet reached the remote areas," said the 32-year-old.

"We have been working for ten years and it has all gone – but we will not give up and until we can have buildings we will use tents, but at the moment our priority is to rescue and save people."

Nisar was in Bagh, one of the worst affected areas, when the earth quake struck early on Saturday.

"I saw these poor people suffering when houses collapsed. I saw a four-year-old boy lying on the floor who had been crushed and it was a horrific sight.

"We didn’t even have coffins to bury the dead or stretchers for the funerals. We didn’t even have digging tools to bury them."

Their plight was further worsened by the onset of rain in the evening:

"It began raining in the evening and the children were crying because of the weather, my heart was bleeding for them.

"This has been a great tragedy for everyone but especially for the children – they have suffered the most."

Teaching is now put to the back of the minds of teachers as they focus on rescuing any survivors who may still be alive.

"We could hear the voices of children in the rubble, but we couldn't do anything to get them out. All of the teachers have lost family and children but they are starting rehabilitation activities that include help to find shelter.

Teachers to help IR distribute aid

"Our focus has now switched to saving lives and we are ready to work with anybody to do this."

Teachers from the READ foundation now offered to help Islamic Relief staff distribute food and other aid to survivors of the disaster.

"This is a great calamity and whoever can help then we need it. We need help and this means sacrifice – this is about humanity.

"In one village in Bagh, of a population of 800 people only sixteen survived. We know about one private school alone where 450 children died."

Yet despite the depressing statistics which seem to get worse day by day Nisar and others like him are rolling up their sleeves to rebuild their nation.

Talk is of a lost generation in this part of Kashmir but the people are hopeful that basic humanity will help foster a new one.

Source: Islamic Relief

JAC-Pakistan & Sungi Update # 4

Sungi sent us the following situational update for 14th October, 2005:

The JAC Secretariat in the SUNGI Islamabad office has to-date been working round the clock as a collection centre. Volunteers from all walks of life and all parts of the country have been coming in with consignments and the food items. All the items are sorted and sent out to the field in transportation, which is either sent by philanthropists and or hired by the JAC secretariat. A total of approximately 15 trucks, consisting of 10 large trucks and five small pick-ups. About half of the commodities have gone to Abbottabad and the other half to AJK. As a joint effort, Sungi and Plan International Mansehra, successfully organized a medical camp at Dhodial. Another team of doctors and para-medics from Islamabad was assisted in moving onto district Battagram.

The priority needs of the affected people are:
1) Shelter/Tents | 2) Blankets | 3) Food Items | 4) Medical aid

Bagh Situation Update from the TCF Medical Team

Following is an update from The Citizens' Foundation (TCF) medical team who just returned from Bagh City:

2 doctors from our medical team returned from 5 days in devastation yesterday. Based in the town of Bagh, the doctors treated upto 150 patients per day, some of whom had walked to their camp for 6 hours to get treatment. The doctors slept a few hours a night in a mosque - one of the only closed structures still standing that could provide them some protection from the increasingly cold weather. Continual tremors in Bagh made continual sleep impossible. The message they conveyed is that there is an urgent shift in medical requirements from general first aid to decisive medical aid - essentially surgery. A medical care unit has also been established at muzaffarabad.

You can read more updates like the one above from the TCF blog which is an on-going description of The Citizen's Foundation's earthquake relief efforts in the affected areas of northern Pakistan (Thanks Sarah!).

Source: TCF Earthquake Relief Blog

Abbotabad Medical Complex Needs Doctors & ActionAid Needs Volunteers

From Karachi Metblogs:

1) Urgently needed: neurosurgeons and orthopaedic specialists at the Abbotabad Medical Complex, please spread the word. Contact Tehsin Sharif at 0300 - 8295848

2) ActionAid desperately needs female volunteers willing to go to Muzzaffarabad, Rawalakot, and Mansera for 2 days to a week. Women with field experience are preferred, but anyone who will be able to cope with bad conditions is welcome. Volunteers will be helping the women and children affected by the earthquake -- providing care and moral support if nothing else. Contact: Shameen at (+92-333) 522 0832

ATTN: All Aid Agencies & Relief Tteams: The First Affected Population Map

Here's the first affected population map produced by MapAction this morning from data collected by the VAM Pakistan. The information mapped is of very high importance to the relief effort.

View Map in Medium-Res on the QuakeHelp Wiki
Map will soon be available in Hi-Res version on the wiki.

Additionally you may browse the list of disaster specific maps in Lo-Res & Hi-Res views from the wiki's map index.

Friday, October 14, 2005

URGENT: Plea by Mercy Malaysia in Bagh City for Medicines, Blankets and Transport

Following is an urgent request from Dr. Jemilah Mahmood of Mercy Malaysia, which was sent in to us by a relief volunteer:

Urgent request from Bagh City where MERCY Malaysia and PIMA are working out of Pearl International School. Makeshift field hospital with up to 30 surgeries per day and numerous injuries seen in outpatient unit. Need for painkillers and sedatives especially TRAMAL, MIDAZOLAM, AUTOCASTS, POP SETS. Sufficient IVs and antibiotics. Patients are sleeping in cold tents and outdoors. Need urgently shelters and warm blankets, sleeping bags. Will appreciate helicopter airlift for surgeons and supplies. Contact in Bagy City is Dr. Heng or Ms. Aishah Tel: +92 5872043144 (fixed line and good connection).

Free Transport Services for Carriage of Relief Goods to Affected Areas

Pakistan Railways has offered free transport services for carriage of relief goods to earthquake-affected areas. Contact numbers are Quetta: (081) 9201976, Sukkur: (071) 9310046, Multan: (061) 9200619 and Lahore: (042) 9201941. These are for inland delivery.

Similarly a train, Karwan-e-Muhabbat train, would be staying in all major cities from karachi to rawalpindi to collect relief free of cost. Pleae contact PTV's Life line for information i.e. (051) 111- 788- 788.

Through PTV's Life Line [051- 111-788-788], you can volunteer yourself for any aid you can give. You can get information on children and families lost or cut off from their families, or if you have any such information you can give it here. This Life line would be wrking in cooperation with Army's control room, thus helping largely in many ways in all quake-affected araes.

In Islamabad's make-shift Aabpara community center medical center, 200 beds and bedding is urgently needed. Please contact for aid on this number: 051-9267596

Source: Lahore Metblogs

USA - Seattle - Charter flights to Pakistan

Pakistan Association of Greater Seattle ( has managed to charter some flights which will be carrying the following supplies to Pakistan:

  • Blankets
  • Heavy duty tents
  • Sleeping bags
  • First aid items
  • Bandages and crutches
  • Wheelchairs

Forgotten village trapped behind a wall of rock

Emergency relief is finally flooding into quake-stricken Pakistan. But nothing has reached Keri, a highland hamlet of crushed houses that feels forgotten to the world.

Giant landslides block the winding road to Mansehra, 45 miles away. Not a single aid worker or soldier has broken through the wall of rock. So the villagers drink river water, sleep outdoors and pray that help will arrive.

True, a helicopter landed two days ago. It stayed on the ground for 30 minutes, long enough to evacuate the most seriously wounded. But even that was too late for Ghulsham Bibi.

Read the Full Story at Guardian

Two aftershocks rattle Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar, Oct. 14 (PTI): Two moderate tremors measuring 5.2 and 5.4 on the Richter scale rattled Jammu and Kashmir within a span of seven hours today triggering panic among survivors of the weekend quake that left thousands dead.

There were no reports of loss of life or property, sources said.

While the first temblor, occurred at 2:19 am and its epicentre lay in Pakistan, the second came at 9.23 am, around the same time as last Saturday's quake, the meteorological department said.

The aftershocks forced the survivors, specially in worst-hit Uri and Tangdhar areas of North Kashmir, out of their makeshift shelters fearing a repeat of the monster quake.

Read the Full Story at The Hindu

More on Donating for Quake victims

A couple of wiki sites:

Earthquake 10-05 Donating - India

Earthquake 10-05 Donating - Pakistan

If You Are In India, Here's One Simple Way to Help Kashmir Quake Victims

This from an e-mail i received today from yogi sikand from

If you live anywhere in India here is one way that you can help, in your own small way, the suffering victims of the recent earthquake in Kashmir:

You can collect or buy warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, sheets etc [in good condition please] from friends and relatives and then arrange to send them by truck/road transport to Kashmir [which will be cheaper, although less fast, than courier]. Please note that all this material should be in GOOD condition, and not torn or unusable. Please do NOT send dirty, torn or very old and fraying material.

Think of the thousands of people suffering in Kashmir with severe winter now approaching.

You could send them to my friend Arjimand Hussain, who heads Action Aid in Kashmir, who will arrange to distribute them in affected villages in Kupwara and Baramulla. The parcel [s] should be addressed to:

Arjimand Hussain

Action Aid

H-12 Cooperative Colony



Jammu and Kashmir

cell no: (0)9419004521

(res): 0191-2476367

Helicopters Available for Airlifting Relief Supplies

Those organizations with relief supplies needing airlift encouraged to contact UNHAS located at House 1, Street 2, F-8/3 Islamabad (email: Aga Khan Foundation has made available two helicopters for airlifting relief supplies and two more would be arriving tomorrow from Central Asia. Please contact Mr. Karim Nayani from FOCUS Humanitarian
at 0333-5289968 or 051-2201018.

Source: UNDMT Minutes of 11/10/05 Meeting at UNICEF - Islamabad

Muzaffarabad Coordination Information for Doctors Wanting to Assit

Thanks to Shahla Raza (on our wiki team) for the following medical coordination information:

Contact for doctors in Muzaffarabad is Ansar Burney 0092300824346. Doctors will be coming from Dubai but Ansar will be coordinating their stay there. You may get in touch with him about where the doctors and medical staff are needed.

Only those who are medically certified/med students please call that number, we don't want unecessary traffic jamming their line. Thanks!

More aftershocks in J&K

More aftershocks in J&K today says the PTI

...Two moderate tremors measuring 5.2 and 5.4 on the Richter scale rattled Jammu and Kashmir within a span of seven hours today triggering panic among survivors ... The aftershocks forced the survivors, especially in worst hit Uri and Tangdhar areas of North Kashmir, out of their makeshift shelters fearing a repeat of the monster quake...

Earthquake Victims - Majority Women and Children

A report by David Fox states that more women and children were victims of the earthquake because of cultural factors.

...Officials say the majority of the estimated 40,000 victims of the 7.6 magnitude quake were women and children...Caught unawares, and probably in casual clothing, many women would never have fled into the relative safety of open streets despite the violent shaking of the buildings...

New Zealand Aid for Pakistan

Xinghua has news that New Zealand is doubling its aid contribution for Pakistan Earthquake Relief.

...A further 750,000 NZ dollars (560,000 US dollars) to international relief efforts will take the total contribution to 1.5 million NZ dollars (1.1 million US dollars). The money is likely to be spent on essential supplies such as tents, blankets and medicines, which Pakistan President Musharraf has requested the aid effort focus on...

A Firsthand report from North Western Frontier Province and Punjab

I just came back from a tour of the worst hit areas in Kashmir, North Western Frontier Province and Punjab. Distribution of aid has not been effectively managed, meaning there are huge swaths of areas that have recieved nothing while others are glutted with goods that are now unneeded.

Dead and alive are still trapped within the rubble. I spoke with distraught Kashmiris there and they say they need help pulling out their loved ones from the rubble. They need the equipment and expertise to pull the crushing weight off those who still survive. They're losing hope if help does not arrive soon.

I'm wondering about the deathcount. Officially, it keeps being pushed up, but knowing as I do that the recovery of dead bodies has not yet even begun on a large scale in even the capital city of Kashmir, these numbers cannot be trusted. Levelled neighbourhoods of Muzaffarabad smell so strongly of decay it is a wonder if anyone in those areas survived.

Doctors tell me they need surgical supplies and the transport facilities to get the most needy to the operation theatres in other cities. They need more helicopters and C130s to airlift victims and more field hospitals. At this stage, they say there is little they can do but bandage flesh wounds and give basic medicines.

The real need for Pakistan has not even barely been met. Do not stop your efforts to help these people. Just change your focus - give your money to medical relief groups like the Red Crescent, Medicines Sans Frontiers, Edhi and others. If you want to buy something, there is a huge need for tents, tarpaulines and waterproof coverings.

Calling off the search for survivors

The Independent (UK) has a report on Pakistan calls off search for earthquake survivors

Pakistan today called off its search for survivors of Saturday's earthquake to concentrate on recovering bodies and rebuilding stricken areas...

Donation through SMS - possible in India?

Just saw this post on textually. "Ufone and Mobilink mobile users can donate 3 rupees to earthquake victims by sending an SMS with DONATE to number 346. You can repeat the process for whatever amount you want to donate. The money will be deducted from your mobile balance and goes directly to people suffering from disaster," says a posting from the Pakistan relief site. Does any mobile operator in India have such a service? Would be good to mention it here.

Pakistan - Muzaffarabad - report from the scene

From Zarina Khan, journalist, via email.

My newspaper sent me to report on the earthquake on Sunday, or was it Monday, I can't remember. I've been stuck in a time warp since I got here, the hours only marked by the stories I manage to file.

For all those of you who are wondering, YES it is as bad if not worse than the reports reveal. This is a living nightmare.

I got back from Muzaffarabad yesterday. It looks like photos of bombed out Dresden. Whole buildings are collapsed. Parts of the Himalayas are strewn across the roads. Cars are crushed under the rubble. Walking into that city was like walking into a post-Apocolyptic tragedy.

The air is beginning to smell of rotting flesh and few rescuers have reached the remote area to pull survivors from the rubble. What with the rain and freezing hail, those trapped inside don't have much of a chance if help does not get here soon. Those who escaped unhurt, are facing hunger and thirst, as there is no water and little food to be had in most areas. I'm leaving again for Kashmir in the morning. I doubt things will be much better.

More is needed here, and faster. Get on the horn and spread the word. People's lives are at stake.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Vital Maps for Disaster Relief Agencies & Aid Workers - Available

Thanks to the MapAction team in Islamabad who have produced the first set of maps to assist USAR teams and other agencies operating in affected areas. We have made available these maps as hi-res/lo-res formats for viewing as well as the ability to preview maps before downloading in the Maps section of the QuakeHelp wiki
. These maps are updated frequently by the QuakeHelp team (We're setting up the mirror page at Wikipedia Commons) with live data being developed and issued by MapAction who are working closely with the UN/UNDAC in Pakistan.

13th October, 2005:
12th October, 2005:

Urgent Plea from Brig.(Retd) Abdus Salam Akhtar in Balakot & Muzaffarabad

Tabraiz Feham emailed us the following letter from Brig.(Retd) Abdus Salam Akhtar (the principal at College of Digital Sciences (CDS) Karachi-Rawalpindi) who is actively conducting the relief & rehabilitation operations in Balakot & Muzaffarabad region and needs generous contributions for relief efforts:

BALAKOT has been worst hit by the earthquake. Thousands have died and everyone is homeless. Below is a letter of Brig.(Retd) Abdus Salam Akhtar explaining rehabilitation project of earthquake victims by Al-Khawarizmi Society and contribution details. Please HELP and CONTRIBUTE generously.


Al-Khawarizmi Society registered with Government of Punjab has initiated a program for the Permanent Rehabilitation of Earthquake Affectees especially in the worst affected areas in Balakot, Muzaffarabad etc.

The president of society Brig (Retd) Abdus Salam Akhtar himself is the resident of Balakot and would therefore be able to contribute in this permanent rehabilitation project very effectively.

The plans are being worked out and will be intimated to all the donatees. The advance information is being provided in order to indicate to the donors the necessity of neither permanent solution of the people who neither have homes nor any source of subsistence left. The present relief operation in the form of Tents, Clothing’s, and Food etc. are going to certainly help them but it is not a long-term solution.

In view to the above we appeal to all to contribute in this project. All donates will automatically become friends of the society and the major contributors will be requested to also be involved in the functioning and operation of the project.

The donation may be sent in the name of Al-Khawarizmi Society in cash or cheque in the
Account Number 20311-714 -107770,
Habib Bank AG Zurich, and 9, Haider Road, Rawalpindi

With regards
Yours Sincerely

Brig.(Retd) Abdus Salam Akhtar
President Al-Khawarizmi Society
55/1, Bank Road, Rawalpindi Pakistan.
Tele. # 0092-051-5581133, 5563276
Fax # 0092-051- 5518357

Pakistan: Tent cities for quake survivors

Pakistan is to set up tent cities to shelter hundreds of thousands of people made homeless by last week's earthquake that killed at least 25,000 people.

Five sites with food, electricity and heating will open near Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has told the BBC.

Aid has now reached most of the remote areas hit by Saturday's quake in Pakistani-run Kashmir, he says. But the army still cannot reach the Neelum valley which is totally cut off.

Read the Full Story at BBC News

USA - New York City - PIA offer to fly supplies out to Pakistan

From "W" in the comments

If you're in the NYC area you may donate blankets, sweater and meds per this announcement:

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has offered to fly supplies out to Pakistan from New York City. We will be collecting winter clothing and blankets to send to those in need.
DIL and YOUR DIL have been designated by the Pakistani Consulate to certify the contents of packages sent and will deliver the items to PIA.

We will collect items at various locations around the city (see below for details) until Friday October 14 at 8pm.

We encourage everyone to pass this around to your co-workers and friends. If you are able to, collect from other people on your own and drop items off at one of the official collection points.

This is so important. Without these supplies, there is a great danger the death toll in the region will continue to rise. Please take the time out to contribute to this effort.

Thank-you so much,


Instructions for Drop-Off

1. Choose closest collection point from those below.
2. Drop items off no later than 8pm on Friday October 14.
2. Bring clothing/blankets either in a bag or cardboard box with your contact info attached.
3. We have provided phone numbers/emails for each collection point. Please use email when necessary, phone only if unavoidable.
4. Please leave items with doorman if no one is home.

Items We Need

Blankets (Used or New)
Sweaters (Used or New)
Sweatshirts (Used or New)
Jackets/Coats (Used or New)
NEW Socks
NEW Thermals
UNOPENED Over-the-counter Painkillers and Stomach Medicines (Tylenol, Advil, Immodium, etc)

*Please note that we will not accept items outside of the above list*

The Citizen's Foundation

More from Lilith's [thank you, Lilith] comments here and here.

The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is a not-for-profit organization working to provide quality education to the less-privileged children of Pakistan. The suffering from this earthquake is of such a magnitude and scale that TCF was prompted to plan a two-phased strategy to provide systematic relief to the victims of this national calamity in the Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir.

Immediate Relief: Starting today, we will provide basic care packages including tents, blankets and food rations to 20,000 affectees for the next seven days, for which we need Pak Rupees 30 Million.

Permanent Housing: In the second phase, in association with other partners, we plan to construct 5,000 seismically designed homes over the next two years, each costing Pak Rupees 400,000. Our engineers and experts are already in the area and are monitoring the requirements on site, both short term and long term.
Online Donations through your Credit Card

Donate to Friends of TCF (FTCF) in UK

All donations are tax deductible for UK basic and higher rate taxpayers under the Gift Aid Scheme.

Cheques or bank drafts

TCF Pakistan
Cheques or bank drafts must be made in favour of 'TCF Relief Fund' and mailed to: The Citizens Foundation,
Relief Fund Camp Office,
9th Floor, NIC Building,
Abbasi Shaheed Rd,
Tel: 0301-2910344-2910353 (10 lines)
Fax: (9221) 5682772.

Donations to TCF Pakistan are approved for tax deduction U/S 2(36)(c) of the income tax ordinance, 2001, valid upto 30-06-2007.

TCF Canada
Cheques or bank drafts must be made in favour of ‘I.D.R.F.’, with a note indicating the purpose as "TCF- Permanent Housing" and mailed to: The Citizens’ Foundation, Canada, 55-3176 Ridgeway Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5L 5S6, Canada.

IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation) is a Canadian Charity with whom TCF Canada has an arrangement for collection of donations.

All donations made to IDRF are tax exempt.

Deposits or direct bank transfers
Deposits or direct bank transfers can be made into the following account in:


Title of Account TCF Relief Fund
Bank Askari Commercial Bank Ltd.
Account no. (PKR) 015-010104331-7
Swift Code. ASC-MPKKA
Branch Clifton Branch & all online Askari Commercial Bank branches across Pakistan

Note: Please fax/mail us your address & donation details so that an official receipt can be mailed to you.

TCF website:

Lilith adds:
If you want to work as a volunteer in Pakistan, please fo not go as an individual, please go with one of the NGOs or orginisation working in the area so that your efforts are not wasted. One place to enroll for going is by contacting a local office of President Relief Fund.

If you do not want to go to teh affected area, please join hands with the NGOs working for colelction and raising funds. There is Hope & KCCI which is collecting blood, there is TCF Relief Fund which is working towards development of the area, EDhi Trust is doing a lot of work both in terms of collection of material and goods and working in affected area, you can go to any Edhi Centre and offer your services.

If you are living abroad, please collect and donate as many funds as you can as there as a dire need for money.

I will post addresses and account details for other NGOs collecting money

Donate to Pakistan President Relief Fund

Via a reader, Lilith, in the comments on this post.

Donate to Pakistan President Relief Fund

How You Can Help

You can donate money through:
- credit card payment
- donation in a special relief account

You can send the following types of relief goods:
- food
- medicines:
- Antibiotics
- Anti-Typhoid Medicines
- Fracture Treatment Kits
- Surgical Equipment
- tents
- blankets

These can be sent to any of our embassies in your country of residence. If you are resident in Pakistan you may send the relief goods to your closest "President's Relief Fund" Camp.

If you are a Government representative, your government may wish to assist Pakistan by donating/loaning cargo helicopters and engineering plant equipment other than the relief goods identified above.

Citizens, Community Based organizations and NGOs wishing to contribute towards "President''s Relief Fund for Earthquake Victims" are requested to send / deposit their donations in the above fund opened with the following:

- All branches of The State Bank of Pakistan
- All Treasuries
- All branches of National Bank of Pakistan
- All branches of Habib Bank of Pakistan
- All branches of United Bank of Pakistan
- All branches of Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan
- All Branches of Allied Bank of Pakistan

Donations, both from domestic and international donors can be deposited in the above branches of the banks. Donations from abroad can be deposited at all the branches of above banks in foreign countries where such branches exist. In other foreign countries where these branches do not exist donations will be received by the Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.

All proceeds received in the name of the fund will be credited to the Public account of the Federal Government under following Head of Account:
G-12 Special deposit fund
G 121 - Relief Funds
G 12130 ''President''s Relief Fund for EarthquakeVictims - 2005

USA - Organisations working for the relief effort

From the AID site.

An Earthquake knows no boundaries. Neither should humanity.

Even as AID is working to establish contact and support relief efforts through groups working on the Indian side of affected region there is an even greater human tragedy on the Pakistani side both in terms of the devastation that has occurred and in terms of the loss of life and limb.

A few well-respected peace and human rights activists have recommended the following organizations. We appeal to AID's well-wishers and supporters to also consider directly supporting these organization that are working to alleviate suffering in Pakistan.

A. Edhi Foundation:
A long standing and well respected service organization that works with the poor in Pakistan. The founder of the organization has won the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for public service. Contribution can be made to Edhi Foundation in the US through ADP's directed donations (Association for Development of Pakistan: A Boston-based volunteer run organization is raising funds for Edhi Foundation. See for details)

B. Sungi Development Foundation:
Tax-deductible contributions in the US can be sent to: "Bank Information Center", designated for "Pakistan Earthquake Relief."
Mailing address:
Attn. Alvin Carlos.
1100 H Street, NW, Suite 650,
Washington, D.C. 20005

C. Eqbal Ahmad Foundation:
Tax deductible contributions support the work of Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy, his wife Hajra and their students who are directly working in Balakot, Mansehra and Abbotabad, and have requested donations through this foundation.
Instructions for Contributors to Eqbal Ahmad Foundation
1. Please make CHECKS payable to " EAF - EARTHQUAKE RELIEF FUND "
2. Please PRINT OUT, SIGN and MAIL the following form, along with your check :
Enclosed is a donation of ________ to the EAF - Earthquake Relief Fund. I understand that this money will be used solely for the purpose of purchasing and distributing earthquake relief and rehabilitation supplies in Pakistan.
Name (please print): _________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________
Address : _______________________________________
3. Please mail your check and this form to:
Eqbal Ahmad Foundation
P.O. Box 222
Princeton, NJ 08542
The Eqbal Ahmad Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. Therefore, your donation is tax deductible. If you wish to receive a letter acknowledging your donation for tax purposes, please include your mailing address.
For tax purposes, all donation over $250 must include your name and mailing address.
Should you have any questions about how to make or send a donation, please contact the Foundation's Vice President, Zia Mian, at

USA - Appeal from Association for India's Development (AID) Inc.

AID Press Appeal on Indo-Pak earthquake relief, October 12, 2005

October 12, 2005

Association for India's Development, Inc. (AID), a charity with several chapters across the US, is appealing for donations from the public to support relief and rehabilitation efforts in response to the devastating earthquake in Jammu and Kashmir on October 8th 2005. AID has set up a separate fund for this purpose. It is also in touch with organizations that are involved in relief operations, and is expected to support relief efforts as soon as specific proposals are reviewed.

Contributions to AID for the earthquake relief and rehabilitation efforts in Jammu and Kashmir can be made through secure on-line credit-card deductions from AID's website


or by making out a check payable to "AID".

Association for India's Development
P.O. Box "F"
College Park, MD, 20741-3005

Contributions made out to "AID" should indicate in the memo that they are for the "J&K Fund". AID will make a good faith effort to use all contributions for the Jammu and Kashmir earthquake relief and rehabilitation and any excess amount will be used to support other developmental work in Jammu and Kashmir.

AID is also appealing to its community of well-wishers to contribute towards relief and rehabilitation efforts in Pakistan where the same earthquake has been much more devastating. Information on how contributions can be made toward the work of the Edhi Foundation, Sungi Development Foundation and Eqbal Ahmad Foundation that are involved with relief efforts in Pakistan are available at:

Finally, AID also appeals to the Governments of India and Pakistan to urgently build upon positive efforts in the recent months to bridge their political differences, and particularly in this time of acute crisis for the region on both sides of the shared border, to enable speedy movement of relief materials and personnel to bring comfort and solace to the hurting and quake devastated people of Kashmir.

For additional information call: 1-888-TALK-2-AID or (301) 422-4441 or email:

Background information:

The Association for India's Development (AID), Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization with nearly 40 chapters in the US. AID has received the highest 4-star rating by Charity Navigator, America's best-known independent evaluator of charities. AID projects and partners have also received several national and international awards and recognitions.

AID is committed to the cause of alleviating poverty in India, measuring progress with the yard-sticks of self-reliance, social justice, people's involvement, and volunteerism. AID supports projects that empower poor and marginalized communities in India through developmental efforts in areas such as women's issues, education, literacy, micro-credit, community health, sustainable livelihoods, watershed development and environmental issues.

Contributions to AID Inc. are tax-deductible in the US. Our federal tax-ID is 04-3652609. To obtain copy of the current financial statement, please write to AID, P.O. Box 'F', College Park, MD 20741-3005. Documents and information pertaining to AID can be obtained from the Secretary of State for the cost of copies and postage.

AID and Disaster Relief: AID has significant experience in relief and rehabilitation efforts, including the 1999 super-cyclone in Orissa, floods in West-Bengal and ongoing Tsunami relief and rehabilitation in Tamil Nadu. AID also supported similar efforts in Gujarat after the 2001 earthquake and the communal carnage of 2002 in the state.

AID also launched a similar relief and rehabilitation effort for flood victims in Assam and Bihar in 2004. With the support of generous contributions in times of critical need, AID has disbursed over $1.5 million in relief and rehabilitation efforts in the past 5 years.

Fresh aftershocks jolt Pak; troops struggle to deliver aid

Islamabad, Oct. 13: Fresh aftershocks today jolted Pakistan, triggering panic among those who lived through the deadly weekend earthquake as troops and emergency workers struggled to deliver aid to the injured and homeless in the remote areas.

Pakistani seismic and weather experts recorded 67 fresh aftershocks in the last 24 hours till this morning, including two with the magnitude of over 4 on the Richter scale.

The Pakistani capital and other parts of the country, including all those areas jolted by the Saturday eight earthquake, received an aftershock this morning at 9.06 am local time with the magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter scale. Earlier an aftershock at 1.23 am was 5.6 on Richter scale and its epicentre was 135 kilometres north of Islamabad.

Read the Full Story at The Hindu

JAC-Pakistan & Sungi Update

Sungi sent us the following situational update for today (13/10/05):

Relief efforts have multiplied in the area over the last few days. Considerable support has been provided to some pockets of the affected areas, a large number of people have not received any support owing to inaccessibility of far flung areas and the fact that they are off the main roads. Most of these areas are very remote, the population is scattered and there are only bricked tracks and mud tracks that people traditionally use to get to their household clusters. At other places land sliding and avalanches have blocked in-roads and minor routes.

Top Priority is Tents, followed by warm beddings and thrid priority is food.

South Asia quake more devastating than tsunami: WHO

South Asia's earthquake was more devastating than last year's Indian Ocean tsunami in terms of the number of homeless and destruction to infrastructure, a UN official said Thursday. Hussein Gezairy, who heads the World Health Organization's Cairo-based regional office that covers Pakistan, said it would be "much, much more difficult" to reach quake victims in the Himalayas than the tsunami survivors.

"In the tsunami 1.5 million people were made homeless, but in this case we expect more than 2.5 million to be homeless," he said. "For the 1.5 million people who were homeless something like 10 billion dollars were mobilised. I do not expect this to be happening in Pakistan, but I hope that people will give much more," he said.

Source: Dawn

Earthquake victims hit by shortage of tents

GARKOTE: Things became worse for the people of this quake-affected hamlet in Uri tehsil with the first of the winter showers lashing the region on Tuesday. The villagers are already facing a severe shortage of tents.

About 60 per cent of this border village was wiped out in Saturday's quake. The houses were reduced to rubble. Many bodies are yet to be retrieved. Those who managed to reach Uri town got tents. But they still became drenched, as the tents were not waterproof. Moreover, there is the problem of overcrowding. Tents that can accommodate four persons are filled with dozens.

However, officials said that over 2,500 tents had been distributed in the last five days. Over 4,000 blankets were distributed in Uri alone.

The story is not different in other border villages. On Tuesday, policemen had a tough time controlling the crowds that mobbed the relief convoys carrying tents in Jabla. It took them almost two hours to distribute some 40 tents.

Read the Full Story at The Hindu

India: Survivors get back to life in Uri

Uri (J &K), Oct 13 (PTI) People in this quake ravaged border town along the Line of Control are picking up the threads of life once again. After laying to rest their dead kin and with injured brethren still in medical camps, many a survivor today got back to work rebuilding their broken hearths even as relief convoys poured into the town, about 101 kms from Srinagar.

A few shops that survived the fury of the terrible tremblor on Saturday opened even as others got to repair their establishments trying to give a semblance of normality in the sector, which accounted for most of the 1340 people killed by the October 8 calamity.

"We can't survive on relief forever... We have to eke out a living", said Riyaz Ahmad, repairing his shop. Ahmad, who lost several of his relatives and friends, in the catastrophe said "this is the way of life. You have to face reality. You cannot mourn your dead forever. You have to move ahead as life is struggle."

Read the Full Story at The Hindu

Urgently Needed: Asterisk Linux Servers & Phone Lines in Pakistan/India

For the past 72 hours we have been trying to establish Taran Rampersad's ARC (Alert Retrieval Cache) model that was used in the tsunami crisis for setting up a real-time communications network into affected areas of Pakistan and Inda. Taran and a couple of volunteers from are still trying to locate an Asterisk server whereby we can set up sms lines for people on the ground to send text messages to the system which are then posted to a wiki/blog interface as well as a mailing list to which USAR teams, NGOs and other stakeholders in relief operations are subscribed to.

Last month, about 50 hours into Katrina we had a skype-powered help line with in/out lines and sms capabilities. Unfortunately, when we tried to follow the same skype mock-up 18 hours after the quake in S.Asia, a member of Skype Journal informed us that skype didn't have any metro lines in the region and that wouldn't be possible. Therefore we had to switch over to the tsunami ARC model whereby a local line is needed either in India or Pakistan - preferably both and is capable of receiving sms and posting to a mailing list (sms2email).

We have coders all set to implement in under a couple of hours a working system whereby user on ground will send an sms to local Indian/Pak number which will forward message to a mailing list and relayed to a section on our wiki set up to post in emergency relief format and blog, When someone wants to contact person on ground, we will be dedicating our Katrinahelp skypeOut line to sending sms back to person on ground. Basically - the system is all automated and works like this: sms2web - web2sms

We are looking at achieving transparent disaster relief communications with direct contact to victims, relief workers and those who can assist them in an open source manner.

We are desperate to get this communication infrastructure set up. We have the know-how and people standing by to come plug it up... we even have 2 linux servers ready for this - Amsterdam & Michigan.. what we don't have is an asterisk server and the local phone line.

From Nathan 'dorjee' who's one of the volunteers with MobileActive:

What we really need to get started is:

1) Access to a Linux server in the India, Pakistan area. Preferrably root. We don't need anything that special or powerful.
2) A GSM mobile phone that can be connected to this server via a USB/Serial cable.
3) Digium/Asterisks hardware to connect actual phone lines would be the next.

Any help locating these resources would be highly appreciated.

Anyone who has the above (Asterisk Server and few phone lines), please let us know by email.

India - Jammu and Kashnir - Srinagar - Collection drive

[Via Times Foundation]

A centralised Coordination is being undertaken at the Army Head Quarters, Srinagar

The Collections are being done in Srinagar and these are further being centrally coordinated by The EarthQuake Relief Center set up at the Army Head Quarters in Srinager.

CGI Sheets,

Food Provisions,
Temporary Shelter Material,
Building material and
other Immediate relief materials and supplies

Kindly send or contact at:

Earthquake Relief Coordination Center
Army Head Quarters, 15 Corps, Srinagar

Contact: Brigadier S.N.Mehta
Mobile: 0091 9419000931
0091 9419012304

India - Jammu and Kashnir - Damage Reports

Via Times Foundation - Indiatimes


Jammu and Kashmir, India:

# Official reports confirm death of 944 persons (Baramulla, Uri, Poonch, Udhampur and Kupwara, DOA, Srinagar districts), including 72 army personnel and death of 1each in Gurdaspur and Batala districts, Punjab.

# 4386 people including 16 Army forced personnel have sustained injuries in Srinagar and Jammu divisions. 7 buildings were damaged in Amristar, Hoshiarpur, Moga, and Gurdaspur in Punjab state.

# Damage Assessment state 32,335 masonry buildings (houses, buildings) have collapsed in Srinagar division (31,809) and in Jammu division (5206).

# Incidence of fire reported in parts of Baramulla district. Damages to Moti Mahal Fort in Poonch district and Reasi Fort in Reasi district, Uri dam in Uri and 1 civil hospital in Tangdhar.

# Communication network, infrastructure facilities, essential services have been disrupted. Traffic movement has been disrupted on National Highway 1A between Srinagar -Tangdhar, and Srinagar- Uri were blocked due to landslides,

Online Donation - Times Foundation

The Times Foundation has an online donation form up here.

Update from Lahore

The following email was sent it to us from Henna with ADP in Lahore:

We have sent a team of doctors from Shalimar Hospital. Packages has sent two trucks. Kafans are badly needed. At present two to three persons are being buried in one kafan. It is true the retailers have increased prices and things are in short supply. Blankets are needed as well. We
are also sending medicines. At present the law and order situation is out of control and there is looting. People have also been held at gun point who went to work as volunteers.

It is best to donate to Ehdi as they are working in the field. The windows of their vans have also been broken. Perhaps the army will do something about controlling the law and order situation as it is an impediment for the relief effort that we are all making.

Another earthquake north of Islamabad

This is a follow-up to this post: an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter Scale has struck North-East Pakistan, causing residents throughout Islamabad to rush out of their homes in panic. Although there have been no reports of damage or casualties yet, AFP reports that "many buildings in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir that were not destroyed in the disaster have been left in a perilous condition, leading to fears that aftershocks could bring teetering walls and roofs crashing down."

Meanwhile, Reuters reports that while relief material is steadily reaching the affected areas, "the scene remained chaotic as survivors and rescuers sought in vain for ways to distribute the material."

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Donations & Volunteers Needed in Norway for South Asian quake relief efforts

Rehma Islamic Relief Fund (RIRF) Norway, in co-operation with Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) have decided to send warm clothes, curtains, medical and food supplies to Pakistan. Those of you who want to contribute with clothes, please pack them in boxes and mark them with a marker; about the age group and genre of the clothes.

The boxes can be sent to the (RIRF) offices during 05.00-09.00 pm, from Monday to Friday.
The clothes will be sent with the PIA flight to Lahore on wednesday 12th of October, and the PIA flight to Islamabad on saturday 15th of October. For more information please contact Mr. Munir Malik (922 85 243)


Gran school in Oslo is arranging a charity evening in the school hall on thursday 14th of October, from 09.00 am to 03.00 pm. Money, clothes and medical supplies are few of the things which are requested. Help with packing and sending the clothes packages are needed. Please contact Gran School for voluntary work.


Box carriers are needed for the red cross organization all over the country. For more information, please visit the website:


Clothes are collected at the Jamat Ehle Sunnat Mosque in Oslo. (22 57 06 33). For people living in Fredrikstad, Askim, Ski, Moss and Sarpsborg, please contact the Mosque in Moss. (69 25 67 03).

Source: Tittlii

DIL Clothing & Blanket Drive in New York & New Jersey for Quake Victims

YOUR DIL has established an Emergency Response Team that has established collection points throughout the NY Metro area for aid to be dropped off, so that it may be shipped to Pakistan.

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has offered to fly supplies out to Pakistan from New York City. With temperatures dropping to near freezing in northern Pakistan and over a million people (est.) left homeless, we will be collecting winter clothing and blankets to send to those in need. DIL and YOUR DIL have been designated by the Pakistani Consulate to certify the contents of packages sent and will deliver the items to PIA. Items will be collected for the first shipment this Saturday morning at various locations around the New York City (see below for details) until Friday October 14 at 8pm. We encourage everyone to pass this around to your co-workers and friends. If you are able to, collect from other people on your own and drop items off at one of the official collection points. This is so important. Without these supplies, there is a great danger the death toll in the region will continue to rise. Please take the time out to contribute to this effort.

The drop off points are listed below.

Supplies Collection for New York - New Jersey

We will collect items at various locations around the city (see below for details) until Friday October 14 at 8pm.

Instructions for Drop-Off

1. Choose closest collection point from those below.
2. Drop items off no later than 8pm on Friday October 14.
2. Bring clothing/blankets either in a bag or cardboard box with your contact info attached.
3. We have provided phone numbers/emails for each collection point. Please use email when necessary, phone only if unavoidable.
4. Please leave items with doorman if no one is home.

Items We Need

-Blankets (Used or New)
-Sweaters (Used or New)
-Sweatshirts (Used or New)
-Jackets/Coats (Used or New)
-NEW Socks
-NEW Thermals
-UNOPENED Over-the-counter Painkillers and Stomach Medicines (Tylenol, Advil, Imodium, etc)

*Please note that we will not accept items outside of the above list*

Collection Points

1) Downtown
Aamna Zaidi
250 E. Houston, Apt. 2B
B/W Ave A and Ave B
Subways: F & V to 2nd Ave

2) Samar Shaheryar
7 E. 14th St, Apt 702
B/W 5th and Union Square West
Subways: 1/2/3/9/4/5/6/L/F to 14th St.

3) Midtown East
Kashif Akhtar
184 Lexington Ave, Apt 6c
B/W 31st and 32nd
Subways: 6 to 33rd St.

4) Midtown West
Moniza Shaikh
World Wide Plaza, Apt. 3N
393 West 49th street
Corner of 9th avenue
Subways: C/E on 50th & 8 Ave, 1/9 on 50th & Broadway, N/R/W on 49th & 7th Avenue

5) Upper Eastside
Najmi Sarwar
300 E. 77th St., Apt 27A
SE corner of 2nd Ave
Subways: 6 to 77th St.

6) Upper Westside
Rishm Najm
55 West End Ave, Apt 2J
Corner of 62nd
Subways: 1 at 59th St./Columbus Circle

7) Teachers College, Columbia University
120th Street
Between Broadway and Amsterdam
Subway: 1 at 125th St.

8) New Jersey
Omar Qari
689 Marin Blvd Unit 1106
Jersey City, NJ
Directions: First right out of the Holland Tunnel onto Marin Blvd (Zephyr Lofts will be the last building on the left)

Source: YourDIL

URGENT: Volunteers Needed in Islamabad, AJK and Northern NWFP

Joint Action Committee - Pakistan
Earthquake Relief Effort - October 2005

Volunteers Needed Urgently:

The Joint Action Committee of NGOs in Pakistan has mounted a combined relief effort. In addition to materials and financial assistance, there is a great need for volunteers. Women, men and young people aged 18 and above, are requested to participate in the relief effort. Volunteers are needed for the following:

Field work in the earthquake affected areas, especially AJK and Northern NWFP. Volunteers should be able to walk long distances in mountainous terrain. Volunteers are needed to work with children, women and men in these areas.

Islamabad based relief work: Volunteers are needed to sort out and handle relief supplies, work with nurses, doctors and other professionals, and provide counseling support to young children affected by the earthquake from the disaster-hit areas.

If you are 18 years and above, enthusiastic, in good health, physically fit enough to walk and work in mountain terrain in rotation periods of around 5 days, and willing to give willingly of your time, please call the numbers given below. You will be matched with work according to your time availability, interest and skills.

College and university students, or those who have completed their education, or are in between various stages of it, or are unemployed, are especially encouraged to volunteer their time and energy.

We are organizing basic training for those who will be doing field work - so this is also an opportunity to improve your skills and gain some hands-on experience while you help those in need.

To register yourself please call any of the following numbers:
0300 - 500 1769; 0300 - 854 5171; (051) 225 2908; toll free number: 0800-22 444

Source: InsanityWORKS Relief Information

Lahore Just Felt an aftershock

I was just called in by a friend in Lahore who informed me that they felt another aftershock just right now. He mentioned it was not severe at all and didn't last much longer. As I get more details, I will post more here.

EDIT: According to Jang, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Lahore, Mansehra, Abottabad, Kotli, Swat and Malakwaal felt light earthquakes. People were scared of these shocks and many buildings were evacuated. Met. Dept is still analyzing the intencity of the quake.

Friends of Children and National College Arts Trust

My Columbia J-school classmate Omar Jamil is in Lahore and says the following groups are working on relief efforts:
National College of Arts Trust Fund
NCA Hostel, 4 Sandha Raod, Lahore
Rakae Jamil - his cellphone is +923004008761

Friends of Children. Contacts are Shazia - +923008447620 and Qasim Tiwana
Here's an April article about Friends of Children's previous work in Lahore.

Useful Links

InsanityWORKS has a pretty comprehensive page of Earthquake Relief Information links here.

And BITS has a blog going here.

Pak relief mission picks up momentum

Islamabad, Oct 12. (PTI): With hopes of finding survivors fading, rescuers today shifted their focus on relief missions to help the victims of the deadly weekend earthquake in Pakistan amidst reports of exodus of thousands of people from the worst-hit PoK to cities and plains in the country.

International aid from about 30 countries poured into Pakistan but the survivors of the 7.6 magnitude quake of Saturday complained about the pace of the relief work which was earlier hampered due to torrential rains that lashed the region yesterday.

However, as helicopters began distributing essential supplies after skies got cleared today, the relief mission picked up momentum in Pakistan and PoK.

Read the Full Story at The Hindu

People fleeing Muzaffarabad

Latest update from Islamic Relief.

Points of note: people fleeing from Muzaffarabad; massive shipment of medical aid from Amsterdam courtesy of Americare.

Asia Quake Aid Effort

A 7.6 magnitude quake struck near Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, destroying buildings, wiping out entire villages and triggering landslides. In Muzaffarabad alone, 11,000 have been confirmed dead. The worst hit areas are Kashmir and Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province, where around 30,000 are believed to have died.

On the move

The aid effort has been hampered by bad weather and thousands of people still remain without assistance. Large numbers of people are moving out of Muzaffarabad in search of the basic necessities of life. Most are heading towards the cities of Rawalpindi and Abottabad.

The Neelum valley remains cut off from the outside world, roads are blocked and the only access is by air over the line of control. Government officials report that it is taking longer to open roads.

IR staff in Pakistan are making arrangements to transport aid donated by local people to areas that have been affected by the disaster. Donations include cash, medicines, food and blankets.

Thousands of people have lost their homes in the disaster and their immediate needs are tents, blankets, stoves, water purification units and field hospitals.

Aid Flights

An aid flight funded by the UK government left for Pakistan with 800 winter tents for Oxfam and 19,000 blankets for Islamic Relief.

IR staff in Pakistan will distribute the blankets in areas affected by the disaster.

On 11 October, an aid flight funded by the UK government left for Pakistan with 800 winter tents for Oxfam and 19,000 blankets for Islamic Relief.

IR staff in Pakistan will distribute the blankets in areas affected by the disaster.

Another aid flight on 11 October left Amsterdam airport for Pakistan with 30,000 pounds of medical relief funded by the aid agency Americares. The medical aid will be received by IR staff in Pakistan and will be used to restock the IR's health clinic in Kashmir.

Save the Children and Concern donated baby blankets, quilts, plastic sheets and jerrycans to Islamic Relief staff who distributed them to 500 families in Muzaffarabad.

A consignment of aid to Kuttan by helicopter is being planned for 13 October. The aid will include food and medical supplies.

IR staff are distributing drinking water, flour, rice, lentils, cooking oil, clothes, tents and blankets in Muzzafarabad.

Source: Islamic Relief

Pak Relief needs local volunteers in Canada & USA

Following is an email from Essam Choudhary who is actively involved in relief efforts in terms of transporting goods to the earthquake victims. For those interested in volunteering from local areas within the US or Canada, please contact Pak Relief ( directly as to how you can help:

Pak Relief needs volunteers in NYC, TOronto, Chicago, Edmonton, Vancouver, and any other city where People would like to send CLOTHES mainly BLANKETS (thick) and sleeping bags to Pakistan. We need volunteers to help with the collection, packaging and taking supplies to the drop zones. Please email myself ASAP with your name number and location if you would like to help. To webmasters, and leaders of organizations please tell your members about this and have them contact me asap.

We have so far assigned two managers to handle their regions, we may need more.

USA (NYC) Mrs. Samina Ahmad

CANADA (Toronto) Mr. Azam Farooqui

P.S. We have a team of doctors ready to roll. They recently set up field hospitals in the Gulf Coast for the Katrina relief. We're working hard to get them all their surgical supplies back and have them ready with their needed medical equipment, however we also need funding to fly them to Pakistan. Currently PIA, and the government of Pakistan are working on logistics for that, if you know of a business that could finance this trip, please contact me ASAP.

Essam Choudhary
780 975 3443

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Bangalore

International Organisations

1) Indian Red Cross Society
Dev Hirawat – 98440996772.

Non-governmental organisations

1) CRY
12/1-3, Madhavi Mansion, Bachchammal Rd.,
Cox Town, Bangalore 560005
Indiranagar and surrounding areas: Sudhindran at 98801-85231
Kammanahalli, Banaswadi and surrounding areas: Contact : Raj at 98861-53689

Whitefield, Marthahalli and surrounding areas: Contact Jayan at 98801-67877
Jayanagar and surrounding areas: Contact Vyakti Vikas Kendra: 26645106

2) Samarthanam Trust of Bangalore
# 11 Villa Suchita,
1st Cross, 17th A Main, Behind Giri Apartments,
J.P.Nagar, 2nd Phase Bangalore-560 078
Phone: 91 80 26591488 \ 26592999;
Mobile: 9448495100, 9448495102.
E- Mail:

2) Principal,
St. Joseph's College,
Langford Road, Bangalore 560027.
Ph: 22272299, 22211429

3) Environment Support Group ®
S-3, Rajashree Apartments, 18/57,
1st Main Road, S. R. K. Gardens, Jayanagar,
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-41.
Ph: 26534364, 26531339, 26341977.

4) Servelots,
3354, "Pankaja", KR Road, Bangalore-70.

5) Pedestrian Pictures
Prakruti Mudrana,
52, 29th Cross, 9th Main,
Banashankari II Stage, Bangalore - 70.
Ph: 9448371389, 26713894

6) Jaiva,
8, Hospital Road (Bowring),
Behind Safina Plaza, Bangalore - 1.

Corporate Sector

1) Fabmall Supermarkets
Madan (9845287072) and Rajesh (9845203943) are primary contacts
C/O Bowring institute, # 2, St. Marks road, Bangalore - 1.
Ph: 51120917
The Forum, Koramangala, Bangalore.

2) 124, Surya chambers,
Airport road, murugesh palya, Bangalore - 17.
Ph: 25918003

3) 777 E, 100 ft road, opp. New horizon school,
Indiranagar, Bangalore - 38.
Ph: 51159455

4) Mantri paradise
Next to HSBC, Arrekere main road,
Bannerghatta road, Bangalore - 76.
Ph: 51305557/51107674

5) 183/184, Gandhi bazaar main
Basavangudi, Bangalore - 4.
Ph: 51312136

6) 2, P&T Colony, Gangenahalli,
R T Nagar Main road, Bangalore - 32.
Ph: 51244411

7) 28, New tippsandra, Opp Durga temple,
Bangalore - 75.
Ph: 51261202

8) 294, 4th Phase, 7th Block, 100 ft Ring road,
Banashankari 3rd stage, Bangalore - 76.
Ph: 26694788

9) 15, Service road,
Bannerghatta main road, Opp Shoppers stop,
Bangalore - 76. Ph: 51209393

10) 35, Mirage Point,
S T pet, 80 ft road,
Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore .
Ph: 25501745

11) Mantri Residency
Near Meenakshi Temple, Bannerghatta road,
Bangalore - 76.
Ph: 51213058

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Pune

International Organisations

1) Pune Red Cross office
M.G.Road (opp.Central Bank of India) Pune 411001
Vijaya. 98220 04752

2) Ms. Vijaya Moorthy
3 Silver Classic Apartments
Rotary club of Pune - Riverside
Rohit Jerajani on Pune Ph.26134686

Non-governmental organisations

1) The S.M.Joshi memorial foundation
Dr Abhijit Vaidya
(0)98505 88008

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Mumbai / Bombay

International Organisations

1) Indian Red Cross Society,
141 Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, (Town Hall Compound)
Phone : 022-2661524 (R) 2644030 Fax : 022-2693956

Non-governmental organisations

1) CRY
189/A, Anand Estate, Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai 400011

2) GIVE India Foundation

301 New India Indl. Estate,
off Mahakali Caves Rd.,
Andheri (E), Mumbai 400099

3) Akanksha Foundation
Namita Devidayal
Gyan Ghar 14th rd Khar Mumbai 52 (leave stuff with watchman anytime)

4) Shaheen Mistri
Om Ratan, 2nd floor Pochkhanawala Road
Worli Mumbai 400 030

5) Akanksha Foundation
Voltas House C, T.B. Kadam Road
Chinchpokli Mumbai 400 033

6) Isha Foundation Disaster Relief fund
Sujata Narayan 9820336823
B 705 El Dorado, Kashinath Dhuru Marg,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 25

7) Viji Sundaresan
201, Amar Residency, Punjab Wadi,
Sion Trombay Road, Deonar,

8) Pankajam Sivakumar
601, Chuchum Apartments,
Saraswati Road, Off Linking Road,
Santacruz W, Mumbai 54

9) Girija
14/12, Vijay Nagar,
Marol Maroshi Road, Close to Marosh Depot,
Andheri E, Mumbai 59

10) Rajeshwari
B4/504, Satellite Classic,
Caves Road, Jogeshwari E,
Opp Ismail College, Mumbai 60

11) Mrs. Muranjan
8 Jackson House, MBPT Colony,
Dumayane Road,
Colaba, Mumbai 5

12) Dr. Manju
D5/ Parmanu Nagar,
Sector 4, Near Telegraph Office
Vashi, 400703,

13) Bharat Sevashram Sangha
TELEFAX: 00-91-22-27811296,TEL: 91-22-27811327


1) Indian Express Citizen's Relief Fund
The Indian Express
3/50, Lalbag Industrial Estate,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road,
Lalbag, Mumbai - 400 012

2) Times of India - Dr D N Road, Mumbai – 400001

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Andhra Pradesh


1) Doctor Reddy's Foundation and UTI Bank
Donate - Old Clothes - Sarees, Dhoti’s and Blankets, at the nearest UTI ATM
Financial Contributions - Cheque or DD Drawn on Tsunami Relief Fund,


1) Jana Sankshema Samiti
Madhava Sadhan, Kaleshwara Rao Road,
Vijaywada - 520002, Andhra Pradesh

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Chennai (Madras) and Tamil Nadu


1) The Joint Secretary to Government and Treasurer,
Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
Finance Department
Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.

Receipt will be given immediately on credit of the amount contributed to the Fund Account which is entitled for 100% Tax Relief under Income Tax Act 1961

Non-governmental organisations

1) Mahalir Association for Literacy, Awareness & Rights)
Ms. Shelin Mary, President, MALAR (Mahalir Association for Literacy,Awareness & Rights
16/22F, Kaliyankadu Chungakadai
Kanyakumari District 629 807
Ph & Fax: 04652 220960
Mobile: 94433-26979
(The office of Malar is about 7 kilometres from Nagarcoil on the Nagarcoil-Marthandam Road).

2) CRY
57/2, P S Sivasamy Salai (Sullivan Garden Rd),
Mylapore, Chennai 600040

International Organisations

3) Indian Red Cross Society
Red Cross Building, 50 Montieth Road
Egmore, Chennai-600008.
Ph : 044-8554548, 8554117
(R) 4980971, 8511711 BB-8554425
Fax : 8586997
Telegram : "SAMARITAN"
email: web:

4) UNICEF - 044-24350332

5) Tamil Maanila Kattida Thozilalar Sangham (TMKTS) 1, Cross ST (F.F.) Kilpauk Garden, Chennai-600010
Ph: 044-26478386

6) Anna University
hall-13 , near main building ,Chennai

7) AID-India
Old No 132, New No 242, Avvai Shanmugam Road
Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600 086

8) Sewa Bharathi Tamil Nadu
Shakti, 1, M.V. Street, Pachvati,
Chetpet, Chennai- 600031.
Ph: 044-28361049, 28360243

9) Community Development Centre,
Madras Medical Mission, J.J. Nagar
26565920, extension 2032.

10) Exnora Clothes Bank
28153377/ 24759477.

11) Dr. Dathu Rao Memorial Charitable Trust

12) Mata Amritanandamayi Math
23764063/582, 22425736, 55175186.

13) The Indian Doctors for Peace & Development
9444183776/ 28218191/ 26428838/24941277.

14) Dr. G. S. Kailaash,
Srinivas Poly Clinic and Lab, 203,
Kutcheri Road, Mylapore.
Phone 52064051

15) Dr. K. R. Muthuswamy,
Second Trust Main Road,
Phone: 24951736

16) M.K. Nursing Home
25, R.S.M. Road, Old Washermenpet;
Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottriyur

17) IAHV-Disaster Relief Fund
Mr Joseph Enok,
IAHV Disaster Relief Committee Member
Old no 43, new no 24, Park Road,
Anna Nagar West, Chennai 600101
Joseph Enok 98410-21936
PK Venugopal 938221-4626

18) R.N.Muthuram & V.Uma
Suyam Charitable Trust
23,Lawyer Chinnathambi Street
I Floor, Kondithope
Chennai - 600 079, Tamilnadu, India.
Ph.: 25204822 /31125905 / 98403 65819

19) The Hindu Relief Fund
Kasturi Buildings 859 Anna Salai Chennai 600 002

20) Ashok from The Banyan
Sulek and Pravin from DBA

21) PASUMAI THAAYAGAM (Green Mother Land),
No. 9, (old No: 5), Lynwood Lane,
Mahalingapuram, CHENNAI -600034, Tamil Nadu,
Mobile: (0) 9444344331
Phone:(0) 44 2817 2122; 2817 2120
Fax: (0) 44 2834 1617

22) Hope Foundation
H 110/2, 7th Avenue
Besant Nagar Chennai - 600 090
Ph: 044 24463394 24463403

Corporate Sector

1) Apollo Hospitals
21, Greams Lane, Chennai 600 006
Ph.: 044 28294343 / 28293982, 1600 331066 (Toll Free)

Vinoba Ashram
Kuthur - 611 105,
Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu.
Phone: 04366-275443 and 275540.

3) Dindigul
L Antonysamy (State Chief Convenor, Social action Network)
CEDA Trust
98A Kooturavu Nagar
Opp Beschi College Dindigul,
Tamil Nadu 624005
ph : 0451 2431090

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Kerala

1) SIFFS, Karamana, Trivandrum 695 002
T. Peter
National Fishworkers Forum Velankanny Junction, Valiathura Vallakadavu P.O. Trivandrum - 695008
Ph: 0471-2501376/2505216

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Uttar Pradesh


1) Asha
c/o Sandeep A-893, Indira Nagar,
226016 Uttar Pradesh

Ghaziabad - Raj Nagar
Tarun Adlakha
House number 6, Sector 3,
Raj Nagar, NearShivam Hospital,
Ghaziabad /9811106543

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Ahmedabad

Non-governmental organisation

1) BPA
Opposite IIM Ahmedabad
collecting donations and relief supplies

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Kolkata

International Organisations

1) Indian Red Cross Society
West Bengal State Branch
5 and 6 Government Place North
Calcutta -1
Mr B P Roy

Non-Governmental Organisations

1) Bharat Sevashram Sangha
211 Rashbehari Avenue
Phone numbers: 24405178/ 24402871/ 0673

2) CRY
Swami Prabhananda Maharaj
- 511, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata 700068

3) Bharat Shevashram Sangha
211,Rashbehari Avenue,
TEL:00-91-33-24405178, 24402326


1) The Statesman Calamity Relief Fund
The Statesman Building,
4 Chowringhee Square Kolkata - 700 001

2) ABP Tsunami Fund
Telegraph and Anandabazar Patrika
ABP Private Ltd,
6 Prafulla Sarkar Street,
Calcutta 700 001

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Jammu & Kashmir

1) Qazi Mohammad Amin, IAS
Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society,
Exchange Road,
Srinagar (Kashmir)-190001.
Phone : 0194-473910 (R) 431411.
Fax : 0194-473910
Telegram : REDCROSS

2) Dr. Mohd. Yusuf
Honorary Secretary,
Kashmir Regional Red Cross Committee,
Exchange Road, Srinagar - 190 001.
Ph : 0191-473910. (R) 422129.

3) Mr. Bipal Pathak, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Tankipora, Srinagar - 190 001.
Ph : 0191-452182 (R) 452223.

4) Mr. Rohit Kansal, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 0911-55203/5 (R) 55204.

5) Mr. Shiekh Mohd Hussain, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 01952-34210 (R) 34257

6) Mr. G.A.Peer, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 01932-22337 (R) 222335.

7) Mr. Syed Haqnawaz, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 01955-52343 (R) 52343.

8) Mrs. Nasima Lanker,IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 0926-41243 (R) 41243.

9) Dr. Deen Mohammad,IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph : 0195-32216 (R) 2222.

10) Mr. Dhiraj Gupta, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Ph :01982-52010 (R) 52027.

11) Mr. R.K.Goel, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee
Jammu - 180 001.
Ph : 0191-54943

12) Mr. Mohd Syed Khan, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Udhampur, Jammu.

13) Mr. Mahboob Iqbal, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Kathua, Jammu.
Ph : 01922-34007 (R) 2210.

14) Mr. Isfand-Yar Khan, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Rajouri, Jammu.
Ph : 01962-62481 (R) 6242.

15) Mr. Ejaz Iqbal, IAS
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman
District Red Cross Committee,
Poonch, Jammu.
Ph : 01965-24333 (R) 300.

16) Sh. Shalindara Kumar, IAS,
Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman,
District Red Cross Committee,
Doda, Jammu.
Ph : 01987-33231 (R) 3239.

17) Mr. Dinesh Gupta
Honorary Secretary,
District Red Cross Committee,
Kachi Chawney, Jammu-180 001
Ph. (O)0191-549413 (R) 577258

The main office
Indian Red Cross Society, Kachi Chawney, Jammu - 180 001.
Phone : 0191-543739

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Himachal Pradesh

1) Indian Red Cross Society,
Red Cross Bhawan, Barnes Court,
Shimla - 171 002.
Phone : 0177-221868.

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Haryana

1) Indian Red Cross Society
Ambala Ph : 0171 2530556

Palam Vihar - Umesh and Rita
Civil Society, E-2144,
Palam Vihar,Gurgaon, Harayana – 122017

3) Jind
01532 -255727

4) Hisar

5) Kurukshetra
Ph :01744-220335.

6) Narnaul
Ph :01282- 251386.

7) Sirsa Ph : 01666- 221669.
Ph : 0172-2571372.
Cheques to be made out to:
President, District Red Cross Society, Panchkula.

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Punjab

1) Indian Red Cross Society
Amritsar District Red Cross Branch,
Court Road, Amritsar - 143 001. Punjab.
Ph : 0183-2500598 Fax: 2216161

2) Bathinda
District Red Cross Branch,
Near Civil Lines, Bathinda - 151 001. Punjab.
Ph : 0164-2212860 Fax: 2212789

3) Faridkot
District Red Cross Branch,
Sadiq Road, Faridkot - 151 203.
Ph : 01639-250228 Fax: 250418

4) Firozepur
District Red Cross Branch,
The Mall, Firozepur - 152 001. Punjab.

Ph : 01632-244247

5) Fatehgarh Sahib
District Red Cross Branch,
Manpur, Near Atteywali, Fatehgar Sahib - 140 407. Punjab.
Ph : 230294 Fax: 230215

6) Gurdaspur
District Red Cross Branch,
Near Bus Stand, Gurdaspur - 143 521. Punjab.
Ph : 01874 -230085 Fax: 230501

7) Hoshiarpur
District Red Cross Branch,
Civil Lines, Hoshiarpur - 146 001. Punjab.
Ph : 01874-221071 Fax: 220303

8) Jalandhar
District Red Cross Branch,
Lajpat Nagar, Jalandhar - 144 001. Punjab.
Ph : 0181-224366 Fax: 224783

8) Kapurthala
District Red Cross Branch,
Near Bus Stand, Kapurthala - 144 601. Punjab.
Ph : 01822-233728 Fax: 233777

10) Ludhiana
District Red Cross Branch,
Tha Mall, Ludhiana - 141 001. Punjab.
Ph : 0161-2444923 Fax: 2449904

11) Mansa
District Red Cross Branch,
Near Bus Stand, Mansa - 151 505. Punjab.
Ph : 01652-220892, Fax: 220933

12) Moga
District Red Cross Branch,
Moga - 142 001. Punjab.
Ph : 01636-226060

13) Muktsar
District Red Cross Branch,
Muketsar - 152 026. Punjab.
Ph : 01633-263189 Fax: 263808

14) Nawan Shahar
District Red Cross Branch,
Nawan Shahar - 144 514. Punjab.
Ph : 01823-221447 Fax: 221301

15) Patiala
District Red Cross Branch,
Rajbaha Road, Patiala - 147 001. Punjab.
Ph : 0175-2215971 Fax: 2213191

16) Ropar
District Red Cross Branch,
Bhai Ghanaiya Red Cross Bhawan,
Ropar - 140 001. Punjab. Ph : 01881-221167 Fax: 221180

17) Sangrur
District Red Cross Branch,
Ranbir Club, Sangrur - 148 001. Punjab.
Ph : 01672-234272

18) Chandigarh
The Tribune Tsunami Relief Fund
The Tribune Trust,
Sector 29-C, Chandigarh - 160 030
(91-172) 2655066. Fax: (91-172) 2651291

Contacts and organisations that may be involved with relief operations - India - Delhi


1) The Prime Minister's Office
South block,
New Delhi, India – 110001


1) International Association for Human Values
D-6, Panchsheel Enclave,
New Delhi- 110017
Contact - lakshmi
Contact for info:

2) Goonj
Anshu K. Gupta,
Director, GOONJ..
Add-J-93, Sarita Vihar,
New Delhi – 44
Tel.- (m)-98681-46978, (o)-011-26972351

3) Sewa International
Apte Bhavan, 10196, D. B. Gupta Road,
Jhandewala, New Delhi- 110055
Ph: 91-11-23517373, 23684445,

4) Modicare Foundation,
4 Community Center, New Friends Colony, New Delhi
(011) 2684-8656 or 5167-2350,

5) CRY
DDA Slum Wing (Barat Ghar), Bapu Park,
Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi 110003


1) Vasant Kunj
Flat 4054, B 5 & 6,
Vasant Kunj (8 8 A.M.)

2) GK-2
Puneet – E 190, GK-2 ,
N.Delhi - 48
9810077591 /9811134138

3) Saket
2nd Floor, J-273, Saket ,New Delhi
17 /39504983

4) Lajpat Nagar
Rajesh Jethani
J-45, Double Story,Lajpat Nagar– 4

5) Shankar Vihar
Arjun Tyagi
P-47/B, Shankar Vihar,Delhi Cant.,


1) Rohini
Vineeta Bengani
Flat No 125, Vidya Vihar Apartments ,
Sector -9, Rohini, Delhi

2) Ashok Vihar
Mr. S.C. Vohra
D-93, Phase -1,Ashok Vihar,Delhi -52


1) Paschim Vihar
Mr. R.S. Doharey,
31- D, GH-10, Sunder Apartments,
Outer Ring Road, Paschim Vihar


1) Mayur Vihar
E-321, Anandlok Apartments ,
Mayur Vihar, Phase 1,
New Delhi-110091

2) Mayur Vihar Extension
G Rajaram
26/602, East End Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Extension,
Delhi 110096 /(before 1 o clock)

3) Noida
Ms.Sumita Jeyee
B-106, Sector-31, Noida,


1) NDTV India
The Company Secretary
W17, Greater Kailash - 1
New Delhi INDIA

2) Times of India Tsunami Relief Fund
Times House, 7, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002

International Organisations

Red Cross Building, 1 Red Cross Road,
New Delhi 110001
Tel: (91) (112) 371 64 24 Fax: (91) (112) 3717454
Telex: 3166115 IRCS IN

2) Indian Red Cross Society,
Faridabad District Branch,
Red Cross Bhawan,
Sector 12, Faridabad.
Ph : 0129-2528317.
Bhiwani ph. 01664-242426
Fatehabad 01667-224696
Gurgaon 0124 -2320468

3) 'SOS Children's Villages of India':
A-7 Nizamuddin West New Delhi-110013
Phone: (011) 2435-9540
Fax: (011) 2435-9461


1) Ranbaxy
Apurva Chamari, Manager- Marketing,
Ranbaxy Australasia Pty. Ltd,
13th Floor, Devika Towers ,
Nehru Place , New Delhi-19.
Tel:+ 91 11 26286624 (D) ,9811332259 (M)
Fax: 26222780