Saturday, November 19, 2005

Jeeps for Relief Efforts Available On Request by NGOs

UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) is providing approximately 100 Russian made jeeps for use by humanitarian agencies involved in the relief effort. The jeeps were previously used in the recent Afghan election and have been over-hauled prior to delivery in Pakistan. They are well suited to rough mountain roads and are mechanically easy to maintain.

The basic specifications include; 7 seats (including 2 jumpseats), left side driver seat, petrol engine and roof rack. UNOPS is levying a cost recovery charge of $4000 dollars per jeep to transfer ownership to the requesting agency. The jeeps can be procured through UNJLC
(United Nations Joint Logistics Center) and request forms can be downloaded from here- completed request forms should be sent to pakjeeps[at] or submitted to the UNJLC office in Islamabad. Given the limited availability, priority will be given to those agencies requesting jeeps for use in field operations outside of Islamabad.

Source: UNJLC Pakistan Bulletin#14

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Beyond Borders - A Joint Indo-Pak Fundraiser for Earthquake Relief

"Beyond Borders" is a benefit for survivors for the south asian earthquake that is being organized by the FOSA (Friends Of South Asia). This event is scheduled to be held on Sat, Nov 19, 7pm - at Berkeley (in the San Francisco Bay Area). 100% of the proceeds will go towards grassroots earthquake relief efforts in Pakistan and India.

The event is unique in the sense that it is being organized by a coalition of a wide array of organizations, including Indian and Pakistani orgs (and other groups of the South Asian diaspora), as well as university departments, student groups, cultural groups, small businesses, and so on - who have all come together to show solidarity towards earthquake survivors on both sides of the border and work together for this important and urgent cause.

More information regarding feature artists, tickets, etc. can be found at the FOSA site here.

Source: Ramkumar from the Organizing Committee for Beyond Borders at FOSA