Sunday, October 23, 2005

URGENT: Hospitals need volunteers, medical personnel & medicines.

The following sourced from an assessment by The Network, (please note that some of these numbers can't be announced over radio, so please verify with the hospital contacts before doing so):

- Holy Family Hospital:

Contact Dr Haroon. 03335198317 and Dr Naveed: 0300 516 1842

Medicines required:
1. Inj. Augmentin
2. Inj. Tetnus oxide
3. Inj Cefotaxin
4. bed sheets – white preferably
5. blankets
6. If possible: a set of personal belongings for each patient including, tooth brush,tooth paste, small towel, cold cream, one small bundle of cotton, one pair of clothes (female or male or child, anyone), one comb, one bed sheet, one soap, one plastic plate, a spoon and a plastic glass or mug. Put these things in a shopper bag and seal it with stapler.

Some volunteers who where medical students suggested that more volunteers, medicines,gloves (for the volunteers to use) and toys for the children would be useful.

- Rawalpindi Medical Hospital:
For the supply of medicines -Dr Fawad Niazi, cell: 0304 510 2444 in eye department / For tents and cloths - Dr Kausar: 0300 9788198

List of urgently required medicines and injections for earthquake victims
1. Injection Cefotaxime 1 gram
2. Injection Ceftriaxone sodium 1 gram
3. Injection Ringer lactate 1000 ml
4. Injection N/Saline 1000 ml
5. Injection Caphradine
6. 1/V cannula 22 G
7. 1/V Cannula 20 G
8. Section Cathitar “Baby”
9. NG Tubes
10. Surgical Gloris
11. Chromic 1
12. Injection Detamol
13. 1/V Cannula 10 G
14. Syp Creamafim
15. Urine Bag
16. Syp Augmentin
17. Tb. Denzen
18. Injection ZAntae
19. Sufratute
20. Injection Adrenalin
21. Injection Tramal
22. Injection Gravinate
23. Injection Neostigmin
24. Vicryl
25. L.P. Needle
26. Injection Dormicam
27. Injection Ceftrexone Sodium

- District HQ Hospital:
Dr Atiq, cell: 03335115669

They need antibiotics and pain killers, blood supplies, wheelchairs / crutches, attendants and toys.

- Railway Hospital: Dr Abdul Razzaq. Relief Coordinator IIMCT.
Mobile 0321 5216323 / Hospital - 051 9278414. 9278415.

Medicines required in this hospital are:
1 Inj Novidat
2 Inj. Augmentin
3 Tab. Danzene
4 Kleen enema
5 Inj. B Pencillinum :10 lakh unit and 5 lakh unit
6 Tab. Chymorol

The medicines required for their field hospital in Attar Shesha near Balakot. are;
1 Portable X-ray unit 100MA. With dark room equipment.
2 Surgical Instruments (General surgery 02 sets, & Orthopedic Instruments 02 sets
3 POP (Gypsona) 4” & 6”
4 Neublizer machine
5 Vaccines of tents, typhoid, & MMR ( Measles, Mumps, Rubella
6 Blood donations needed

Also require human resource in the following discipline.
1 Orthopedic/ General Specialist.
2 OTAs
3 Male Paramedical/ nursing staff.
1 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Cindy Floyd and i would like to show you my personal experience with Augmentin.

I suffered from Pseudofolliculitis behind my head for years and by chance I got Augmentin from Libya without any prescription. In Europe all the doctors that I consulted could not find solution for this problem so one day I just worked into a pharmacy in Libya and showed it to the Doctor in charge of the pharmacy who adviced me to take Augmentin. I was a bit hesitant but before my returning date (after 5 days) I noticed that all the bumps are drying. and now I'm very proud of my head.

Side Effects :
None…Miracle drug…

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Cindy Floyd

October 02, 2008 2:21 pm