Thursday, October 20, 2005

Oxfam tent innovation

Oxfam have come up with an ingenious new tent based on materials that are locally available. They cost around $140 each, 6 people can sleep in them, they are easy to put together - you don't actually need any tools to erect one of these tents:

See: Oxfam innovates to tackle shelter crisis in earthquake zone

with images: here
1 Comments Post a Comment
Blogger m said :

Thanks for your informative comment ice knife. What you could do is set up an NGO "Tent Action" say, get yourself recognised, get some work done on the ground and build up your profile that way. They will be more likely to listen then.

Others have done similar, Map Action, for instance, might be a good organisation to model yourself on. They came in useful in the tsunami, and for this disaster they are the official mappers. It can be done. Get a bunch of winter shelter specialists together and get it going!

October 21, 2005 4:34 am