Tuesday, November 01, 2005


This site provides and gathers Demographic, Disaster, Access, and Assistance data and maps on all Earthquake Affected Villages to Help Coordinate Relief Efforts.

This information-sharing web portal compiles detailed demographic data, damage, access and relief updates at the village/town level to ensure that no one is overlooked in the relief efforts. The information is provided in a flexible and searchable format and is based on data from population statistics, satellites, geographical systems, and relief agencies, workers, and local officials. The portal is maintained by a consortium of experts from US and Pakistani Universities, the World Bank, NGOs, and the private sector, with support from the Government of Pakistan.

Please see RISE-PAK.
1 Comments Post a Comment
Blogger m said :

I would recommend any individuals, charities and aid agencies working in Pakistan to use this resource to log their work and to check which villages are yet to receive aid.

One of the aims of this system is to help individuals and small agencies working independently of the main aid effort to coordinate their work.

The more people that use this, the more coordinated the aid effort will be, and the more likely that the most needy will receive your aid.

November 02, 2005 3:33 am